
Radiology is a branch of medicine that deals with using imaging technologies involving the use of X-ray, sound waves and radio waves for the purposes of diagnosing, treating and monitoring disease.

Specialized physicians evaluate the findings made at the radiology department. Radiology department not only supports other branches with its diagnostic and therapeutic methods, but also serves as a crucial component of many medical decisions, particularly in oncology. It consists of mainly two parts: diagnostic radiology and interventional radiology.

Radiologic examinations are used in almost all areas of healthcare, using various imaging techniques such as radiography, fluoroscopy, ultrasonography, Doppler ultrasonography, mammography,  magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT), angiography and bone densitometry.

Advances in imaging technologies allow early diagnosis of disease, increasing the chance of success of treatments, and advances in interventional radiology have decreased the need for surgical interventions, by allowing minimally invasive procedures in inoperable patients.

Our Radiology Unit is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, including:

  • Multisection CT
  • X-ray
  • Ultrasound (Doppler + 3D + 4D),
  • Mammography


  • Biopsies: A procedure performed under local anesthesia for removing small samples from a piece of pathological tissue in the breast, thyroid, liver, kidney, lung or similar organs.
  • USG-Guided Guide-Wire Marking of Breast Tissue: It allows the surgeon to access a resectable mass in the breast using a wire inserted into the tissue with one end outside the body.
  • USG-Guided Clip Placement (Tumor Marking) for Localization of Breast and Axillary Tumors
  • Paracentesis / Thoracentesis: Collecting fluid samples from the membranes surrounding the lungs or abdominal organs.
  • Percutaneous Acid / Pleural Effusion Drainage: Draining the fluid from the membranes surrounding the lungs and abdominal organs.
  • Percutaneous Apses Drainage: Catheterized drainage of an apses in the body.
  • Percutaneous Gallbladder Drainage: Allows catheterized drainage of a dilated, infected gallbladder.
  • USG-Guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy: It is an ultrasound-guided procedure for placing a drainage catheter inside the renal collective system.
  • Pouch Graphy: It is the imaging of the pouch cavity using a contrast agent.

Our Radiology Department offers diagnostic and therapeutic services with a staff of proficient physicians in outpatient and inpatient care settings.

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Last update date: 23.07.2024, 22:35

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Last update date: 23.07.2024, 22:35