Signs of Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a common type of cancer in women, and ranks in first place among gynecologic cancers in the world. Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the cervix, a neck-like segment connecting the uterus with the vagina. It is mainly caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, a venereal disease that causes warts at the cervix.
Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer:
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection
Venereal infections
First sexual intercourse at early age, i.e. when younger than 16 years
Tobacco use
A non-organic and irregular diet (low on fruits and vegetables)
A polygamous lifestyle
Signs of Cervical Cancer
Non-menstrual, sporadic vaginal bleeding
Plentiful and odorous vaginal discharge
Pain or bleeding during intercourse
Spotting or bleeding during menopause
Diagnostic Methods for Cervical Cancer:
Cervical cancer can be detected by screening and treated completely if detected early. It ranks low among cancer deaths. Screening for cervical cancer involves SMEAR testing. It is a painless procedure whereby a sample is collected from the cervix using a special brush during examination. It should be performed once a year. Additional testing may be required where indicated.
Therefore, we recommend a gynecologic checkup at least once a year, even if you have no complaints.
Treatment of Cervical Cancer:
There are two approaches to treating cervical cancer. In general, treatment is surgical if cancer was detected at early stage. If tumor propagated beyond cervix around uterus, radiotherapy is indicated. The larger the tumor, the higher the likelihood chemo-radiotherapy may be indicated.
Why Is Cervical Cancer Important?
Cervical cancer is preventable.
Cervical cancer can be treated 100% if detected early.
Death from cervical cancer is completely preventable.