We have a documented breastfeeding policy in place.
All employees are provided training to align with the breastfeeding policy.
We provide training to pregnant and postpartum women on the benefits and methods of proper breastfeeding.
We assist new mothers in beginning breastfeeding within the first half hour of parturition.
We provide training to new mothers on how to properly breastfeed, and how they should harvest and store breast milk when they are apart from their infant.
We avoid providing newborns with any food or drinks, except breast milk, unless indicated medically.
We arrange for the mother and the newborn to remain in the same room 24 hours.
We encourage breastfeeding whenever the infant seeks for it.
We do not provide pacifiers or feeding bottles to breastfeeding infants.
We encourage new mothers to continue breastfeeding after discharge from the hospital and call us at 0 264 222 1 555 ext. 179 PRIVATE BEYHEKİM HOSPITAL Call Line to seek advice on any problems, and inform them about the healthcare facility where they can seek further assistance for regular checkups.
We have adopted and implemented internationally-recognized infant food codes, preventing marketing representatives of suppliers from promoting infant foods to mothers and mother candidates directly or indirectly.